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My Vacay

By 10:30 AM , , ,

Hi, lovelies! How has your Sunday been so far? I hope great. As you might know (of course you would, that is the only thing I've been chatting about), I am going on vacation to Florida today through next Sunday. Don't worry, though! I have pre-scheduled an entire weeks worth of posts that I think you may like [love?]. Some are more serious, down-to-earth posts, while others are amusing. I will not be checking anything blog related while on vacation, though, as I need a little refresher. The only thing that I will check occasionally is my email, but that is because...well, I swear by that (sue me). But that will be very seldom. If you want to catch real time photos, look out for them on my insta. I'll be posting tons and tons and tons! My family and I are planning on going zip-lining, jet-skiing, horseback riding (!), and swimming with dolphins. I am super geeked and cannot wait to get to Florida! Once back, I will share some vacation tips, recommendations (maybe), and other stuff about my vacation.

See you all next Monday! :) x

Song Choice: 'Girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne. Who remembers this tune!? I know that I do! And the remix feat Lil Mama. Oh my gosh, this used to be the song. It was also the song that began my obsession (read: strong love) for Avril's music, style, and just her in general. She is my idol, after all. If you have never heard this, then you have been living under a rock and get away. If you have, give yourself a little nostalgic feeling by pressing that play button below. 

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