At this moment, I am in the car on my way to Florida (finally!). I have pre-scheduled posts that will be coming your way randomly throughout this week, so keep an eye out for those. Besides that, I will be avidly instagramming my vacation (savaxge) and probably throwing out a tweet or two. I'm also really excited because I will be seeing my new baby twin cousins in Georgia on my way back up to Michigan. A few photos of them may ensue. :)
So while I am in a cramped truck with my sister, mum, and dad, I hope you are having a great Monday! Link up with #Quotunes, grab the button below (if you want), and check out the tune if you wish. The quote is from one that I found while dilly-dallying on Tumblr, and the song has been stuck on my mind foreverrrr. I love Flyleaf, and you will too after checking out the song here. I think that I'll start adding grooveshark below so that you can listen to it easier? Yeah, I think so.
Grab A Button! Link Up. :)
Song Choice: 'Monsters' by Paramore. I love Paramore. I've always loved Paramore. They are one of my favorite bands and I can listen to them at any time of the day/night. So this may be a little biased, but still - you should listen to them if you've never. You'll most likely love them. And you will then fall in love with this song (an oldie for them). I then dare you to tell me that you don't love it.