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New Year's Resolutions

By 7:00 AM , ,

Annual new year's resolutions are something that everyone makes. No matter how many times someone claims that they don't believe in resolutions, they still make them. (The most typical: weight loss resolutions.) I know that I'm guilty of it at the very least.  I've made resolutions to eat better, to get back into the gym, to read more, to be more confident, etc. The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 is urging me to make new resolutions. Below is where I'll be sharing them. Share what your resolutions will be in the comments.

Resolution 1: Read more books.
At the end of 2014, I started to read a lot more. However, at the tail end of November, I took a break. I want to pick back up on reading during the new year. It's a pleasure of mine that I honestly enjoy and that I do not want to lose.
Resolution 2a: Create/Design more.

I have always enjoyed designing things. (You know - the whole "I want to be a graphic designer" thing.) This year, I want to start designing graphics, websites, and t-shirts (gee, isn't everybody?). I also would love to go outside the online realm and get hands-on with creating: sewing, crocheting, and making jewelry are a few interests that I have.
Resolution 2b: Learn html/css.

I am a computer freak. During the 10th grade, I began learning html, but never became super confident in my skills. This year, I want to be able to look at html/css and know what I am doing. Plus, this will be beneficial for resolution 2 (designing blogs). 
Resolution 3: Eat and drink healthier.

I am a smoothie addict, y'all. My heart is fond for Jamba Juice and McDonald's Strawberry Banana smoothies. However, that's money. A lot of money. Thus, I need to learn how to prepare my own smoothies, which will help me save money while being healthy (because smoothies). I also need to drink more water and less soda. That became problematic in 2014. Foodwise, I need to start eating more fruit, less red meat, and more veggies.
Resolution 4: Say 'yes' more. 

I am an introverted extrovert. I love to go out and hang out with friends/family. It just takes a little pressure for me to. Honestly, I can be a pretty bad homebody. Give me Netflix, a laptop, a book, and food, then I can stay at home all day. Sure, I'll get bored eventually and venture out, but it'll take a minute. In certain situations, I may decline to do something that might end up being really fun because "I don't feel like going out," but when that is my excuse every time, then I'm just lying. Once I get out though, I typically have a really fun time (and generally don't want to leave, ahem). In the new year, I w ant to stop second guessing myself about what I want to do. I need to stop making up excuses. I need to start just saying yes and sticking to it.

Resolution 5: Volunteer more.

I need to get back involved with my community. Volunteering and helping people/animals out is the best feeling in the world, and I want to do more of it this year! Hopefully if I get this abroad program in Italy, then I can volunteer all summer long! (Insert giddy face) Aside from that, I want to do more in Michigan. I love volunteering at animal shelters, so that's something that I most definitely want to return to doing!

Happy New Year! 

Tune: Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars
Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson Feat Bruno Mars on Grooveshark
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