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Top 4 Christmas Movies

By 9:30 AM , ,

Christmas trees glittering with lights, holiday music serenading in the background, delicious cookies creating a heavily smell in the air, Elf playing in the background on the scene of Buddy and Jovi singing in the bathroom {honestly the best part} - these are the things that I love about Christmas. No matter how old I get, I do not let the Christmas spirit simmer down. I am one-hundred percent for traditions! I enjoy family get-togethers, holiday parties, and gift-sharing. But my absolute favorite tradition about Christmas is watching Christmas movies. {ABC Family Twenty Five Days of Christmas, anyone?}

"This is the Polar Express!" I wish there was actually a Polar Express; I would most definitely get on it.  I'd probably be the first person  actually. This movie is long, but watching it is completely worth it. I remember I saw this movie three times in Imax Theater - all 3D - as a child. Jeez. This movie is the epitome of my childhood, and I will forever love it. {I even enjoy it when it's not the holiday season.} Also, there are good pieces of advice thrown into the movie that you can pull out and use in life. Your welcome. A good film and life lessons. 

This is my second favorite holiday movie. Buddy the Elf emits joy and love, and the movie is honestly hilarious. That makes it a great one to watch whenever you want to be in a good mood. Have you ever seen it? If not, then please do it right now - right now

HOME ALONE (1-2-3)
Guys. Guys. I cannot go one-holiday season without watching all of the Home Alone movies. Levin is honestly too smart for his age. If I was that smart as a child - smart enough to trick two crazy psychos trying to break into my house and attack me - then I would have been good. I mean, dang. My favorite part of this movie was in Home Alone when Kevin's family left him behind accidentally when they went to Paris and he was in the bathroom, "shaving" with Christmas music playing,

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. But of course, I still love to watch you. (Well, I really enjoy little you because SO ADORABLE.) This movie is just a classic that everyone needs to watch at least once every year. C'mon. How can you not? DON'T BE A GRINCH AND JUST FREAKING WATCH THE MOVIE. 

What are some of your favorite Christmas movies?

Tune: I Still Love You by Next
I Still Love You by Next on Grooveshark
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