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Hiatus Ensues Starting...

By 12:29 PM , , , ,


Today is supposed to be Sunday Health Goals. Key word: supposed.

I've been slacking off of health a little bit too casually lately. I know, shame shame shame. Trust me, I've already mentally berated myself. You're welcome. So, seeing as this is a {another key word: health} post, I have decided to put Sunday Health Goals on a hiatus. Once I decide to get my shizz back together, I will start writing these babies out again, but it's kind of pointless now since all I can do is recap whatever the heck I want to, and then tell you "Haha, I'm messing with y'all, what's health?" So....yup. It sucks, and I feel bad and fat and unmotivated. Plus, it doesn't help that I'm cramping more than baby bubba, so I'm going to leave it there.

À bientôt Sunday Health Goals until I finally decide to get my lazy bum off the couch and make something of my life. Y'know - at the gym, not Everest Community College.

Tune: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin
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