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Go-To Summer Recipe: Shrimp Pasta

By 10:00 AM , , , , , , ,

Summer is my favorite! The heat is amazing; pool parties are the epitome of perfect; and barbecues, yum. I can totally taste the sweet tang of barbecue sauce on my ribs, and the yummy taste of not-too-hard hot dogs that I snack on while the rest of the food is being cooked. {Am I the only one who thinks eating barbecue tastes waaaay better when not all of the food is done yet? Yes? Just me....okay.}

My go-to summer recipe would probably be my shrimp pasta with tomatoes, carrots, and peppers. But! I am going to try to change this recipe a bit this summer {between the time I am here and the time I get back from California}. Instead of adding all of the spicy pepper {because who wants a burning mouth in 100 degree weather!?}, I am going to stick with carrots, tomatoes, shrimp, and add strawberries for a change. I am not sure how this is going to taste, but I've been curious about it for the longest, so we'll see what happens! And I am also going to try to find a some lighter pasta {get what I am saying, or no?} than a whole  bunch of spaghetti strands so that I will not have a heavy belly. In the summer, I do not like that much comfort food. I want something light, tasty, yet fulfilling.

Anyways! Happy Friday, dolls. Make the most of it and get out this weekend!

Tune: Just Be Mine by Cher Lloyd
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  1. I'm interested to hear about the addition to strawberries. I feel like it could go either way. I always add broccoli to my pastas. Yum! :] // ☼

  2. I'll let you know how it goes whenever I get around to trying it. :) And ew, broccoli. ;) Haha.

