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Ten Guilty Pleasures (but, I have no guilt whatsoever)

By 10:00 AM , , ,

Hey, hey, y'all!

It's Friday! Can I state anything more obvious? She was a girl, he was a boy, cannot make it anymore obvious. Obviously I can.... Anyways, since my brain is still slightly out of if from that week long break of doing absolutely nothing (aside from writing those horrendous papers last Thursday!) even though it's been a week already, I am going to word vomit all over this little 'ole blog.  I apologize in advance. So! What's on the schedule for today? Ten guilty pleasures of mine, which I actually have 0 guilt about. I can name a shitload of guilty pleasures of mine, but that would take a whole day, so I'm going to limit it to the lucky ten (really, it should be 8). Let's get going since I'm blabbering all over the place now.

In reality, I hate chocolate cake.  But candy like M&Ms and Crunch bars, I love. But the meaning behind this, I completely get. Yes.

1. I can eat more than three burritos with rice in one sitting

I don't do this (only did it once), but I can. If you ever eat Xochi's burritos too, then trust me, you will understand. Sure, it's not healthy to eat all of that dang meat and stuff, but I kind of don't care. Sue me. 

2. Teen Wolf

I get super emotional about this show. It's kind of embarrassing how emotional, actually...  A few years ago when Teen Wolf first came onto air, I watched the first episode, said, "What the bleep?" and changed the channel (of course, not in that exact language). Last year is when this guilty pleasure began. Love love love. Plus, the amount of hot guys is always and will forever be a bonus to watching!

3. Caked Up Remixes

Maybe it's just the party girl in me, but I honestly--no matter how I am feeling--have to dance whenever a Caked Up Rmx comes on. 

4. Dancing at home when I'm alone

I admit that I have a mini-concert when nobody else is at home with me. I have to do it only then so that nobody walks in on me, and so that no awkward ensues. Harhar. But, yes! This is so fun, I swear! Get me the hairbrush (totally cliche, I know), turn on some danceable (not a word, whatevs) tunes, and I am allllll set!

5. Pretending to be sick so that I can just stay home and watch Friends

I feel no shame in this, whatsoever.  It does not happen often, but sometimes when I just really do not feel like going anywhere, I pretend that I am sick and overindulge in junk food and reruns of Friends. I'm kind of watching it right now as I type...

6. Listening to guys with accents talk

I swear, accents are super adorable! Oh my gosh, especially if it's an Australian accent. Ohlala. I can sit and listen to a guy with an accent talk all day. Sue me. ;) 

7. Late night Taco Bell endeavors

Can anything get even better than this? Give me some soft tacos, a bunch of hot and mild sauces, a Limeaid Sparkler, and call it a day [except for when I'm in the south, then you better get me a Frutista Freeze because in the North they suck].

8. Stuffed Animals

I have a crazy amount of stuff animals that I have been collecting since I was a young baby.  They are probably going to be my downfall because I do not want to donate them, throw them away, or sell them because they all hold a piece of sentimental value. Eh. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go away to college? Hopefully my mum won't throw them away when I'm gone. :o haha. 

9. Online Shopping

This one, oooooh, this one. If I have money on my credit card, then you better believe that I am going to spend it on something. Like, I just got a new Ocean Pacific vest [I am going to do a separate post on that] and I love it! Now I am looking at a Ft. Lauderdale jacket. What? The Spring is coming up, so I'm going to need lighter jackets.

10. Twilight

Okay, this is a guilty pleasure that my mom, dad, sister and I all have. I couldn't count on only my hands and toes how many times we watched it--that's how many times we've watched it.

Tune: Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Calliat
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