Say This To Yourself When The Nerves Arrive
I tell this to myself almost whenever I feel the need to speak up, yet am very nervous about doing it: "Speak the truth even if your voice shakes." The quote is very inspirational and motivating whenever I feel the immense nerves coming about and need to calm them down. Even if our voices do shake (which is something that we all have been guilty about sometime in our life), we still have to speak up. We cannot hang our heads low, and we most definitely should not just give up and walk away.
I completely understand how when you are nervous, scared, or embarrassed, you might stutter, or pause, or your voice might quiver. And we all think that when our voices shake, the person(s) that were are communicating with will think little of what we are trying to communicate to them. They will just think that we are too scared, and laugh off whatever we are trying to say even if it is really important. And yes, I get how infuriating that can be. My stupid nerves have caused me grief numerous times, but as I grow older, I have come to realize that I cannot give up on trying to get my point across. In fact, I have to try harder.
So, I dare you to speak this little saying to yourself when you start feeling those nerves. I promise that it can, and will help.
Tune: Hell Above by Pierce the Veil