18 Things That Make Me Happy
I have been thinking about my writing lately. Moreso about what little motivation I have been having to improve my writing. Sporadically throughout last year, I wrote on different writing prompts (for instance, this and this). I have been thinking about getting back into that lately, say, once or twice a month? I do not want to necessarily dedicate myself to this more than a few times a month because if I do not get to it, then I might feel bad about it. So, yeah. Feel free to join in. I think that I am going to post what the next prompt will be on each post as well as when it should go up around, that way you can join in if you please.
Today's prompt is 18 things that make me happy.
1. Being able to listen to music whenever I want to.
2. I am healthy.
3. I have a loving family.
4. I have friends that I trust and know will always be there for me.
5. Puppies, kitties, and horses make me so happy.
6. Friends and Full House are two of my favorite old shows.
7. Teen Wolf deserves one all on its own. It makes me happy, sad, mad, excited--kinda makes me bipolar.
8. Being able to read so that I can enjoy books, blogs, etc.
9. Knowing that I only have two more years until I am off to college.
10. I have a full scholarship to Michigan Technical University via. the Wade McCree Scholarship.
11. Knowing that my dog, Missey, is no longer in pain and in Heaven with my Granddad.
12. I am going to get my first tattoo in a few months.
13. Online shopping, of course.
14. Xochilmilco makes me very, very happy.
15. My grandmom is still here on Earth and healthy.
16. Writing is a passion of mine, and makes me extremely happy.
17. This here part of the blogosphere. :)
18. All of you guys that read and enjoy. You guys make me very happy.
The next writing prompt that I'll be doing is Compile a list of words that describe you as a child. Compile a second list that describes you as you are now. How are these lists the same? Different? I am thinking that I will be uploading this on the 5th of March. The linkup will be open until the end of the week, so if you want to write it later, feel free to. :) Okay, y'all! Have a good Hump, Hump Day! Harhar.
<div align="center"><a href="http://sayhellodoll.blogspot.com" title="Say Hello, Doll"><img src="http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s455/AmarieLeDanser/promptsfor.gif" alt="Say Hello, Doll" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Tune: The Point of It All by Anthony Hamilton