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Michael Buble and a Quote #Quotunes

By 5:30 AM , , ,

It's Monday, y'all! I am going into countdown mode until Sunday (when I'm leaving for vacation), so bear with me. Today marks six days. SIX. I'm so ready! Never mind that, though! It is the first day of the week, and as Fall is rapidly approaching, I highly suggest that you make the most of your Summer. So regardless to where you are, I want you to take time out to relax today. That may mean a cup of coffee, hearing your favorite song, taking a breath of fresh air outside, or drawing in a notebook. Whatever you do - whatever you want to do - do it. Smile. Laugh. I bet that your day will be slightly better. :) So while we're at it, here is the Monday morning linkup for #Quotunes.

You should linkup! I want to see your daily quote and tune. To find out more about this linkup, find it here. Motivate somebody to have a great day, a fantastic week, and share a tune that you're loving. Feel free to make an art to go with it (such as above), or just type it out. Do whatever you want. This is just aimed to inspire and motivate at the beginning of the week versus the ending. It's just a little thing that can make a lot of change in ones' day. To find the song by Michael Buble, just visit here, bud. 

Want to see my other #Quotunes? Here and here.

Song Choice: 'Everybody Talks' by Neon Trees. Who remembers how this song was always on the radio, last year? I admit: I used to be one of those people who obsessed over it. (mind you, those people are awesome.) It is a fun song with a crazy video that I think you should here if you have been asleep for the past year and never (or forgot about it) heard it. Listen below, y'all.

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