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But It's August...#Quotunes

By 6:00 AM , , , , , , ,

Positivity is one of the main things in life that I feel as if I need to improve on.  That and being happier with who I am.  Both of those things can be helped (and quickly) as long as I put the passion and persistence, that I use with other things, towards it. Throughout the days of reading and reading and reading blogs, I have noticed how many of the gals behind them do things that help improve themselves, their day, and their attitude about things. Whether it be working out more, changing a diet, writing what you're grateful for in a journal daily, or looking in a mirror everyday and telling yourself, "I'm beautiful." Everybody has their own way of improving whatever it is that they want to. Mines just so happens to be wanting a more "positive" life and thought pattern, as well an improved self-love for myself.

With that in mind, the quote paired with today's #Quotunes is by Brad Paisley, and it is something that I see fit to how I need to look at my life from now on. There is 365 days in a year, but you can start over whenever you'd like. And whenever you want to start a new "book", "chapter", or "page" of your life, just make sure it is something that teaches you something; it should be a part of your journey towards improving whatever it is that you want. Do something every (-other) day that you feel is helping to improve your life (or whatever). Just have the determination, passion, and persistence, and yes - you will have  a oh my shizz book (that's good, by the way). 

The song choice is Fast Cars and Freedom by Rascal Flatts. It is my one of my new/old addictions that I love love love! The lyrics are really amazing, and hey, the vocals have always been great. If you have not already, press the play button above! It's an old tune, so you most likely have heard it before, but if you have not, give it a listen. Have a great Monday! :)

Grab A Button! Link Up. 

Song Choice: 'Somebody Told Me' by The Killers. I don't know how I only recently found out about this band? Yeah....that sucks. BUT! I found them now, and I adore them, so I just had to add them for a song choice. I think you'll like this song; it's catchy, and it's a really good song. I really like how it sounds with it playing from my earphones, but it also sounds amazing blasting from speakers - your choice. Give it a listen below!

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