Would You Rather (or not) Do...
What I would rather (or rather not) do.
Okay, I only have one thing to say if you have never heard of the game Would You Rather: where the heck have you been? Seriously. This game is so old, but one of my favorites to play. It puts you in awkward positions with answering questions that tend to be a little (read: a lot) gross. So, like the totally normal person I am, I have decided to play a little game online...yeah, by myself. But it is computer generated, so does that make me seem a little less crazy? Hmm...I hope so. MOVING ON.
I am forcing myself to not skip any questions, but if it gets a little too tough, then...yeah, you'll see a nfw (no freaking way) by it instead of a bolden choice. And feel free to put which ones that you would prefer to do in the comments; I'd love to see!
Would you rather... [have an uncontrollable itch that attacks at sporadic times] OR always have chapped lips. {I HATE chapped lips. I cannot stand having them, so to always have them would drive me nuts. So, yeah, I would rather scratch like a maniac at random times of the day...it won't wake me up from a sleep, though, right? RIGHT?}
Would you rather... have a child in 7th grade and raise it OR [never have kids/adopt]. {I am kind of in the 10th grade now, but yeah, I get it. Ummm, I would never have kids or adopt. Why would I eff up my future before it even got started? Seriously? And why the 7th grade? Really? Make it at least a little more mature, gosh. Besides, I can always foster (says nothing about that), and PUPPIES! Those aren't [technical] kids, so I'll just have them. Puppy mommy here! WOOH!}
Would you rather... magically flip genders every year OR [be forced to move and start fresh every year]. {This one was kind of a no-brainer because I have wanderlust. I want to move. I want to travel, to explore. But seeing what being a dude is like would be cool, but I'd like a relationship, thank you, and I highly doubt my beau would appreciate me being a man, then a gal, then a man...again. Yeah.....no.}
Would you rather... know when you will die OR know how you will die. [nfw] {I have reasonable reason as to why I cannot choose. For one, if I knew when I would die, then I would be crazy on myself about doing this and that before I died, and it'd just be a hot mess. Plus, I would be sad if I knew that I was getting closer to death. And secondly, if I knew how I would die, then I would freak out over everything even closely pertaining to aiding in that death. Yeah, no thanks; I'll pass.}
Would you rather... never be able to wear shoes OR [never be able to wear anything red]. {What the heck do I touch that is red? Blood? Yeah, I'll pass on that. I hate blood anyways. And burgundy is not really "red", so yeah...I'll live.}
If you were an American, would you rather... be a Muslim OR an Atheist. [nfw] {I refuse to answer this because I am a Christian...and American (?). I have nothing against Muslims or Atheists, but as part of my religion, I am not going to even answer this question.}
If you could only use one type of bill for the rest of your life, would you rather... pay in nothing but singles OR [pay in nothing but hundreds]. {I would pay in nothing but hundreds because if I only paid in hundreds, then I'd be rich. Duh.}
Would you rather... be hunted by people OR [hunt people]. {I would hunt people because I wouldn't kill them. This never implied that I'd have to kill them. I would hunt them, then set them free. BE FREE MY CHILD.}
Drink, would you rather... [mountain dew] OR Dr. Pepper. {Nothing is better than the dew. NOTHING.}
Would you rather... communicate with animals OR [speak every language fluently]. {Okay, no animal talking to me because if they are saying something along the lines of, "You look yummy. I am going to eat you," I am going to die. Therefore, I want to speak fluently in every language. Yup. Now I can flirt in 6,500 languages. [yes, I looked that up]}
Would you rather... [discover something great and spread it] OR discover something evil and prevent it. {My logic behind this is that if I discovered the latter, I would most likely die from being scared sh-tless, which would help you none. So I better leave that discovery up to somebody else, and I'll stick with discovering unicorns and shizz.}
Would you rather... have to kill the animal for any meat again OR [never eat meat again]. {If I have to explain to you why I chose the latter, then you are a cruel, cruel person. There is no way I can look at a pig and slice it's - okay, ew ew ew.}
Would you rather... [have to use a completely blank keyboard with absolutely no labeled keys] OR have to type with only your two index fingers all the time. {I can type with my eyes shut and no lookie-lookie, so I think I will be A-OKAY.}
And I am done. I hope you guys enjoyed this very amusing, no point post. :) I know that I did, haha.
Song Choice: 'What About Love' by Austin Mahone. This song is very upbeat and I love love love listening to it. I knew of Austin before he became the star that he is today (seriously!), so it is very awesome to see him like this now. His music is incredible, and I think that you would like it, so give it a listen below! (psst: he is also very cute!)