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I have to admit...

By 10:00 AM , , , ,

that this is the time of year where I start thinking about Christmas. Am I weird? 

I don't know what it is about the end-of-summer (although it does not officially end until the 22nd of September) that makes me ache for the holidays to begin. By "holidays," I am referring to Christmas mainly. I love me some Turkey Day and Halloween (BOO!), but Christmas will forever have my heart. I mean, if you don't believe that I really want Christmas to be here already, you can just ask my family! They have been giving me peculiar looks and shooting question to me about why in the world I am playing Christmas songs right now [yet snacking on Frozen Lemonade Minute Maids]. (And I figured you deserve to know that this actually began the last week in August. #sorrynotsorry)

Well, I figure that when you cannot stop something (in this case, my emotions), all you can do is embrace it with open arms. SO! I am going to start with my holiday stuff a little bit early. I'm not going to go all out and jump right into the Christmas season.  I'll start slow and go for Halloween first. (Y'know, because I know some of y'all can't handle my HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!! xP) 

Halloween is in exactly 61 days. 61! Are y'all ready for this!? I'm going to start writing content with costume recommendations, holiday parties to watch out for, diy projects, food and treats, etc. You'll love it. (Update: I'll love it. You may or may not become annoyed. I apologize in advance. #sorrynotsorryokayjustalittlebit) 

Tune: Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande & The Weeknd
Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande on Grooveshark
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