The Bump It List
Last week, I noticed bloggers doing The Bump It List, otherwise know as crap I'm either too afraid or do not ever want to do list. My brain is all fogged up, so new original material will not be spewing out of my mouth on this warm day. {The weather is freaking ah-may-zing this week. Mother Nature, why have I ever doubted you? Oh...wait, winter was horrible.} Instead, I will be linking up with The Handy Way and Geez, Louise.
I will never drink coffee.
{Coffee sucks. A lot. I just cannot learn to like it. One time, I did try Starbucks, and it was horrible. Before all of you coffee-addicts murder me for disliking coffee, let me tell you that I do enjoy a cappuccino.}

I will never go scuba diving.
{I am deeply afraid of being attacked by a shark or stung by a sting ray. I'd prefer to stay close to the surface of water, near land.}
I will never give up music.
{Music is my life, and there is no way that I would willingly give up tunes.}

I will never eat bugs.
{I do not get how some people do this. Sure, in some countries, bugs are a normal part of people's diets. However, it is not in my diet. Guess I have to limit the countries that I travel to, or bring my own grub.}

I will never get too old for Disney Channel or Nickelodeon.
{I love cartoons and childish shows. Being a big kid at heart is really fun! You should try it.}

I will never drop out of school/college.
{I treasure my education a lot. Although some people may not feel as if they have to further their education, I most definitely want to. Dropping out of school is just not in the cards.}

I will never EVER touch or hold a snake.
{Whoever said that this was cool or safe is absolutely insane. Eff no.}

I will never endorse or participate in animal cruelty.
{Animal cruelty is illegal and inhumane. I do not support it at all. In fact, I would like open my own no-kill animal shelter that saves and protects animals from harsh conditions. If I ever witness animal cruelty, I will report it and do something about it.}

I will never smoke a cigarette or try drugs.
{Smoking is really bad for your health, and I am not trying to minimize the amount of years on Earth that I have left by any means. Besides, smoke smells disgusting! On the subject of drugs, um, no thank you.}

I will never be against same-sex marriage.
{I support equal rights for everyone. If you love someone or just want a booty-cal, it's all up to you! I don't care if they are the same sex as you are. Love (or one-night-stand) is the same for all couples.}

I will never endorse or participate in animal cruelty.
{Animal cruelty is illegal and inhumane. I do not support it at all. In fact, I would like open my own no-kill animal shelter that saves and protects animals from harsh conditions. If I ever witness animal cruelty, I will report it and do something about it.}

I will never smoke a cigarette or try drugs.
{Smoking is really bad for your health, and I am not trying to minimize the amount of years on Earth that I have left by any means. Besides, smoke smells disgusting! On the subject of drugs, um, no thank you.}
I will never be against same-sex marriage.
{I support equal rights for everyone. If you love someone or just want a booty-cal, it's all up to you! I don't care if they are the same sex as you are. Love (or one-night-stand) is the same for all couples.}
Tune: R&B Thug by R. Kelly