It is Easter Sunday {Happy Easter!}, and I am going to be hanging out with my family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) today. I'm pretty excited about that because I really miss our family dinners; it seems like I barely see anybody anymore! Geesh. When I go away to college, I don't know what I am going to do about my homesickness and FOMO in missing certain traditions and stuff that my family has.

My birthday is in eleven days! I'm about to be sixteen, y'all. That's exciting for me. I'm not planning on doing anything big. Of course, I am going on my annual
Xochi's run, but aside from that, I doubt I am going to be doing much else. If I am granted this California trip, then that'll be my birthday gift. If not, then I guess I'll just ask for some money so that I can shop, or go out with some of my close friends to the movies (or laser tag?). Who knows what might happen. I don't really care, though. I'm just pepped to finally be hitting that 1-6. ;)

Tomorrow, my mum, dad, sister, granny, and I are heading to Tennessee (well, we're dropping my granny off in Ohio to visit her sister) for our Spring Break. Woooo! I am a little bit too excited. We're going to be getting a tour of Tennessee State (although I've already been) and doing plenty of other fun excursions.

I went to Plato's Closet on Friday and bought three items for $27 total (plus some change). Can I say go me? Originally, the items that I purchased would've been so much more, and I am glad that I caught them at a nice deal. I finally have some red (bleach-wash?), high waist jeans! Y'all. I am super excited about that, like, OH MY GAH excited. Hahah. It's pretty crazy. I also bought this floral dress that will be perfect for the spring and summer. {It's funny because I was just telling myself that the dresses in my closet are getting old, and I need some new ones.} My last purchase was a cute, denim tie shirt. I cannot wait to wear that as the weather continually heats up.

Uh-oh. I am thinking about another blog change, y'all. Somebody stop me! It's quite obvious that I never change the template (because I'm a broke girl with no money to pay someone to design it for me), but I do make a change to my header, colors, signature, and about/contact pages. It just seems to be fresher, y'know.

I think I am officially addicted to hot fries. I used to hate them, but now I love them. Every day last week, I took a plastic bag of them with me to school. Hahahah. But hey! At least I am trying to portion it out right so that I won't eat an entire bag in one sitting. That must count for something? I mean, one regular size bag lasted me for an entire week (or four days since I did not have school on Friday).

On Friday, my mum bought me some workout pants that I adore a lot! They fit perfectly around my hips and thighs, but when it comes to my waist, it is too loose. {I suppose that's a good thing, but then again it isn't because the pants keep falling down around that area.}

I am guilty about my health habits this week. For one, I slacked off on my workouts a lot more than I'd care to admit! Ew. I feel all grubby and shizz. However, to make up for that lost time, I attempted to eat slightly healthier meals or at least portion them well. I can semi-say that I did that (give or take a few meals). The day that I really fell off was yesterday. I ate three freaking tacos from Taco Bell, a McDouble and medium fry from Mickey D's, and a bit of my mum's Chinese food. (Insert exasperated, what the heck emoji here) I need to really practice self control or something.

That is what my week looked like with the #1800minutechallenge. Nada! I only got in an hour and fifty minutes for the entire week. That is so pathetic! I really need to focus more control on what I eat as well as make exercising a habit in my life (like brushing my teeth, etc). If I do not, then I know that I will slowly but surely stop trying to implement healthy habits into my life all together, and I do not want that. I crave to be fitter. I long to be healthy. I want to start shedding pounds and fat. That requires dedication, and I feel as if I am not being dedicated enough. This week, I am going to work on being dedicated to getting into the gym at least four days out of the week and being more selective of what I eat.
Tune: There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet by Panic! At the Disco
About the Author
Student, aspiring graphic designer, and traveler, Krishaun Burns is a 17-year old blogger. She enjoys writing, photography, reading, and speaking her mind. You'll find her on various social media and Five98s.
Sono molto felice che tu abbia tutta questa energia ed è bello vedere che vuoi scoprire il mondo e vivere la tua vita al meglio. In fondo sei giovane ed é bello che sia cosi. Ti auguro che tu possa realizzare i tuoi sogni e vivere una vita felice .un abbraccio Tixiano
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ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I really do try to have energy with how I live my life. :)
x, Krishaun