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Count To Three, Then Jump

By 10:00 AM , , , , , , ,

I try to be positive in my life. Very positive. The optimistic side tends to outweigh the pessimistic side when it comes to how I think and look at the outlook of life. I'm not going to say that it's a good thing because sometimes it isn't; however, most of the time it helps to get me outside of my comfort zone. My natural thinking is, "This is going to happen, yada yada, so I shouldn't do it."  That makes me super nervous, and it keeps me from doing things that I want to, yet am too afraid to. For the beginning of 2014, I have challenged myself to start counting to three, then doing whatever it is that I am afraid of. 

As of lately, I have not been doing the best that I can at it, and I want to change that. Whenever a person thinks over something for longer than 3 seconds, they begin to over think. That is why I want to count to three, then jump (hypothetically, of course). The post that Erin wrote this past week made me really think about my life and how I go about accomplishing goals and simple things that I want to do. "What if I get hit by a bus tomorrow?" That's the question that Erin says to herself. I am going to start saying that. Along with counting to three, that seems like the next best thing for myself. 

"What are [insert people] going to say?"
"I can't do [insert activity]."
"I look stupid when I do [insert activity]."
"What if they laugh at me?"
"Yada, yada."

I am tired of those darn phrases/questions running through my head. They make me hold back from what I am capable of, what I really want to do. It's horrible. So, from now on out, I am joining Erin in asking myself, "What if I get hit by a bus tomorrow?" Would I be happy about what I have done in my life so far? What about you? Would you be happy with what you've done in your life?

Tune: Classic by MKTO
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