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Berry Berry, Yum Yum

By 4:26 PM , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dolls! Good morning, er, afternoon. I am in a pretty good mood today, which may be due to the fact that cool air is streaming through my open door right now or that I ate my favorite food this morning, attempted to do Yoga, failed, then did like five minutes of Zumba, and then all together gave up for working out today. I might do some Zumba later, but then again, I might not. Music is playing kind of loud through my stereo, and it's just a good day. That's all. {This entire paragraph just seems so jumbled, but eh, I'll take it. Hahah.}

*I am extremely excited right now! The Downtown Hoedown is back! This year, I am getting my butt out and going. Since the three day passes are already sold out, I think that I might just grab some tickets for Friday, May 30th because my babe Chris Young is going to be there and Mr. 5-1-5-0, too! I'm still waiting to find out what other artists will be performing over the three day period, but until then, Friday is appealing to me more. So what that I'll have to miss a day of school. ;) Harhar. 

*This week, I'll be throwing a work-out playlist your way. I'm constantly updating it, and yes. It's my total motivator during my entire workout. 

*I will also be uploading my [Country] Summer Is Coming playlist soon! Watch out for it.

*Seriously, y'all, please do send me some places to visit in 'You're the only ten I see.' {Don't judge me for my corniness. Harhar.} Spring Break is coming up very fast, and I'd like to find some new places to go to there! My family will be creating an itinerary soon (not that we tend to follow it). 

*I am thinking about doing some type of race--something for charity most likely. I am thinking about doing the Mutt Strutt with Dearborn Animal Shelter. It's on May 10th. It sucks that I do not have my baby Missey to walk with, but nevertheless, it's for a good cause, so possibly.

*Have you guys seen Trey Songz 'NaNa' music video? Holy. Shiz. 

This week has honestly been fantastic health-wise! I went to the gym four times {go me!} and did not stuff myself once while eating. Not once! I think that is quite an accomplishment. Zumba was pushed to the back burner, but that's okay because I still did some exercises! I never did less than 40 (really 42) minutes at the gym. The first day I did like eighteen minutes on the treadmill, then fifteen on the elliptical, plus either fifteen or twenty on the bike. The rest of the days progressed like that with variations between the three (some days I did not even do the bike because I worked harder and longer on the other two). One day, I even worked on my arms (which are still sore, btw!). I need to start doing some ab exercises and start toning my arms because I do not want them to just get tiny, I want to get toned. 

For this upcoming week, I want to go to the gym at least five days and try to push my time on the elliptical to twenty minutes after doing thirty minutes on the treadmill. I swear the elliptical has been the death of me! I cannot read on there because after a minute, sweat starts pouring down my face, and to prevent my glasses from sliding off, I have to take them off. And hello, do you think that I can read while I am blind? Plus, my focus is all out of wack on that machine. Haha. I only read on the treadmill and bike. {Any books recommendations? All are welcome!} So what I am essentially saying is that doing the elliptical is hard because I have nothing to really distract me. Boo.

Food-wise, I have been eating bananas/food for breakfast, and not stuffing myself during lunch or dinner. Yesterday, my dad and I went to go get my favorite food after working out, and I only ate two of the burritos with rice, and ate half of one later. It was only this morning that I ate the following two and a half (I gave some to my mum yesterday. I feel good about myself. 

Tune: Radio Stereo by Duck Sauce
Radio Stereo by Duck Sauce on Grooveshark
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