Alternative to Boredom (Fitness Post)
Anyways, last Monday all the way to Wednesday was okay. I did not eat any meat (okay, I cheated a little by having a tiny piece of broiled pork steak that my mom cooked, but that's it!). It was when Thursday hit that I could not take it anymore - I was starving. But I did not just pig out, though. I ate a Turkey sandwich for lunch that day, then a McChicken after-school, and then a Turkey leg that night for dinner. I portion controlled on all of my meals, and for snacks, I ate cereal and cereal bars in between meals. The rest of the week leading up to today, I have been portioning my meals and drinking more water.
Aside from all of that. I can say that this past week I have begun to track my calories, eat lighter meals, drink more water again, and attend my Zumba classes. It's been extremely fun dancing to fun Latin-based tunes, all the while burning upwards 600-1,000 calories. Yeah. Zumba is one of the only workouts that I can endure and still want to go back. Maybe it's the dancer in me that really enjoys it? Hm. Who knows.
For this upcoming week, my fitness goal is to work on portion control. I am implementing one plate only meals to start eating tinier meals. In between those meals, I will snack on healthy things that'll keep me from feeling super hungry during my next meal. I kind of already have a head start as I started doing this last week, but hey, better early than later (it's a saying now; just nod your head yes).
Tune: Right Now by Rihanna feat. David Guetta