Warning: I am an obsessive Christmastime lover.
Warning: Since the holidays are near, my blog may because more-so infested with Christmas-this, Christmas-that until December 25th. I regret nothing because this is probably my favoritest holiday of the year (minus a few....implications). However, those will not let me get down, so you all will experience my Christmas-loving-fury. :) You have been warned. (P.S. Yes, I felt the need to highlight this warning in red because it is my blog and I WANTED to - just like I WANTED to CAP that. hahah)
Hi, guys! I'm back. Sort of....I guess if you can count me writing this post a day in advance "back", then yes, that I am. Also, if you are wondering about that little warning above, let me explain. Christmastime is one of the best times out of the 365-day year period. I look forward to it so much that as soon as Halloween is over, I tend to throw on the Christmas tunes, start looking for gifts to buy, and ache for the annual school Christmas Break (of course, that is not the only reason I look forward to Xmas....hahah). I don't know why, but the holiday season brings me so much joy (as it should!) that it is nearly impossible to annoy me as long as I have holiday tunes on and it is anywhere between November 10th-December 25th. So, if you are going to pester me, I suggest around this time (but not on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day).
However, the warning is purely to forewarn all of my readers that I am going to kind-of start overloading this here part of the interwebz with Christmas-ey things. Such as what, you ask. Well, music to check out, stores and their completely amazing sales, tips on buying your loved ones gifts (such as guys because woah! are they are hard to shop for!), and etcetera (hahah, I actually spelt it out - go me!).