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It's comfy pajamas, not 'comfortable'

By 7:18 PM , , ,

 [Insert a beautifully written poem about the first snow]

'Tis has came, and 'tis has went. Now all that is left is the upcoming holidays of Turkey Day and Christmas (which, of the two, is my favorite). The first snowfall of the season (which was two days ago in Southeast Michigan) always brings complete wistfulness of what is to come. It also brings the panic of what is to come. "Why is it snowing so early?" "It is only early November!" "I hate snow!" That is what I...y'know, sort of said....but that is not the point! The point is that the first snowfall (no matter how much I dread the pile ups of the stuff) brings excitement to me that only the Holiday season can. I love love love Christmas. I love love love the New Year. But let's stay in the present for now, shall we?

For awhile now, I have been wanting some new pajamas and slippers (yes, slippers). I have been procrastinating on getting some, instead opting to wear boxer shorts (for gals) and an oversized shirt to bed. However, since the Holiday season is fast approaching (and who doesn't like new stuff for then?), I figured that I might as well cave and buy the pj's - and slippers - that I have been wanting. From where, though? From where. (That was supposed to sound a little daunting, but I don't know how that came across...awkward.) 

The thing is...I want comfy pajamas. Not 'comfortable' pajamas,  comfy. I know you are saying "it is the same thing!", but it is not. Think about it: when you are really nice and cozy, what do you say first? "I feel comfy," or "I feel comfortable." Yeah, no. I thought so. Anyways, I want comfy pajamas (i.e. the soft kind that I love to rub my fingers against) that are not too short on me (I like for my pants to kind of trail on the ground). The price of the pj's also cannot be super expensive. Like, they are pajamas that I will be wearing in my home and no where else, so why break the bank? Below I am sharing nine options that I am contemplating on buying (with cute tops, course!). Which one do you like most?

(Row One) One : Two : Three : Four ; (Row Two) Five : Six : Seven : Eight ; Nine

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  1. Thanks for the share Krishaun! But whats a good pair of pajamas without a comfy pair of slippers? Last Christmas my husband bought me a ton of new pajamas and the comfiest slippers on the planet. The slippers themselves are happy feet slippers (you know the overstuffed kind) and I swear it is like walking on a cloud!

