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Who do you want to be? Who cares what they want to see.

By 8:00 AM , , , , , ,

Haha, that is exactly what I think every Monday morning when I am forced out of my cozy, cozy bed. Mhmmm. Anyways! Hi, guys. :) I think I am going to be a little gleeful today because it is the second day of Fall (yeheee!). Now if only this Econ test that I have at 1:20 does not ruin my mood, I will be perfectly okay. Moving on! I am thinking about changing #Quotunes around a little. First of all, I am thinking about changing the name to, a little less...weird? I don't know. Maybe - maybe.  Next, I am going to stop typing everything out myself for the #quotunes (ah-ah-ah, got to go) photo (i.e. the picture with the quote and song on it).  Instead, I will find a premade photo, source it, and add a tune at the end. Kapeesh? The only time I will make my own is if I am not super lazy, and that'll be the only time I won't source a photo. WHEW! That was a lot to say (haha, or type?). Okay. Now that that is all said and done, continue on...
The greatest feeling in life is accomplishing what you want to.  One of the worst feelings in life is not doing what you want to do, but doing something only because others want to see you do it - that equates to nothing but settling in life.  Don't settle for what others want you to do [if it does not please you]. If it something that you must do, okay, that is different.  However, if it is something that you have control over, then darn it, don't do it if you don't want to! The quote above says it all, and I love it love it love it. It's the only way life [for yourself] will be of value. Who wants to live their life only able to look back on those times where "so and so was happy because I did this," but never "I was happy because I did this"? Not I, for sure.

Tune: Roar by Katy Perry

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