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What To Wear To Homecoming?

By 10:00 AM , , , , ,

Hey, hey, hey. Homecoming is officially October 12th, and I am beyond excited. Fall is one of my favorite seasons just because of this party. Parties, parties, and more parties! Or...maybe just homecoming. Whatever. Nevertheless, the theme this year of HC is pretty awesome; it is Mad Hatter (i.e. Alice in Wonderland) with a twinge of Casino life. So, it's basically fancy with some whimsy mix. I am geeked because I can now begin shopping around for the perfect dress. I'm looking for something...different that I like crazy, yet simple. Sexy, yet classy. I don't want to look cheap (ahem - some teens this generation during parties); I'm not like that. So, without further ado: my homecoming dress choices.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
5 / 6 / 7 / 8
9 / 10 / 11 / 12

Which dress do you prefer? Mines would be either #1, 3, 6, 7, or 11.

Song Choice: 'Somebody Come Get Me' by Melanie Fiona
Somebody Come Get Me by Melanie Fiona on Grooveshark

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