I don't know why, but this past week has been extremely tiring for me. School is still not getting it, and it's all exhausting the hell out of me. Therefore, this weekend I am planning on grabbing my favorite food (Xochimilco - a mexican restaurant in Mexican Town that you have to check out if you visit Michigan), catching up on blogs, scheduling posts for this weekend, going to buy a new bra, and catching up on How I Met Your Mother so that I'll be somewhat knowledgeable for the new [and final] season of the show. However, I am writing this now because I need to stop always scheduling stuff and need to live (and write) in the now. I miss always writing stuff and then hitting 'publish' knowing that what I am writing is going live now. But hey! That's what being in school does to you.

Anyways, I believe that I mentioned to you all how I now take a Journalism class? Just nod your head yes. Well, that is the beginners class in my school, while Newspaper and Yearbook are advanced. The Newspaper staff is running low though, so they will be needing help covering stories, etc, and I signed up to help them in certain areas if necessary. I can either help with photography or writing (and I can also submit articles of my own if I please). This means I need to start touching up on my writing (not that I don't do it whenever I write for this blog, haha). A website (a free one at that) called
Language is A Virus is going to help me do that. I found this website a month or so ago, but I did not really use it because...y'know, it was whatever at the time. The website came up again today on
Found Love. Now What?, and I am so happy that I found the site again. I'm planning on using its writing prompts for this blog when I have no darn clue as to what to write, and in a notebook that is purely for me to practice my writing skills.
The prompt for today is... Write 10 lines, each starting with the words, I don't...
I don't...want summer to end. Right now, I am sitting in my room freezing (because I'm too lazy to grab a heater or turn on the heat) because the weather is freaking crazy! Just earlier this week, it was 90 degrees! What the hell happened? I mean, I'm excited for Fall and all, but can we get pretty leaves changing, sweater and boot season, and slightly warm weather? I don't care - I'd take that.
I don't...want to miss any October activities this year. I need to go to a Haunted House (I went to one two years ago, but missed last year because my sister chickened out), go to Halloweekend (at Cedar Point - it's so fun!), go on a Haunted Hayride, and actually dress up for Halloween (yes, can't stop, won't stop).
I don't...and I do want Christmas to hurry up. Part of me is dreading the season because we had to put my dog (Missey) down two days before the Holiday because her cancerous tumor burst and she was bleeding a lot, and the tumor on her back was humongous, but another part of me really loves Christmas and wants it to come.
I don't...like that I don't have enough money to currently buy more sweaters and stuff for Fall. I need to stop spending so much money on food, and I'll be okay. (ohgosh, it's never going to happen.)
I don't...like Geometry. It's stupid. How the heck do I want to become an Architect, yet hate finding out what CE equals when I only know what AB and BD equals. Ohlawd. I am sensing a [future] major change.
I don't...want this weekend to end, or at least give me a four day one. On Thursday, my school got out at 1pm because of a power outage. Now if only the heat in Michigan could go back up for two days (Monday-Tuesday) and give me a leave from going to school, that'd be perfect.
I don't...like how my eyes squint up so much when I smile. Ew, nor how they look when I am not wearing glasses. Ewwwww.
I don't...know what else to say. Ho har har.
I don't...know why my phone is suddenly acting so stupid. I can unplug it from the charger at 100%, and within 5 minutes (of not touching it!), it will have 87. What. the. hell. Maybe I just need a new battery?
I don't...know how to have non-awkward ending of posts.
Yeah, bye.
Song Choice: 'Holy Grail' by Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake
About the Author
Student, aspiring graphic designer, and traveler, Krishaun Burns is a 17-year old blogger. She enjoys writing, photography, reading, and speaking her mind. You'll find her on various social media and Five98s.