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Polka Dots with Subtle Peplum

By 8:00 PM , , , , , , , ,

More set inspiration. Hey, hey, hey. I can officially say that I have survived the first week of school.  It's Friday now, and I am plenty excited to sleep in tomorrow, and not have anything to do (aside from watching reruns of Friends, How I Met Your Mother, and Full House). I can already feel myself slipping into 'don't-really-care' syndrome that I experience every school year (essentially me not caring what the heck I wear to school because it's too much of a hassle).  However, I want to try and not get into it so quickly. This means more shopping for me (yippee!) Anyhoo, how has your week been? I hope it was fabulous!

For now, I am going to share with you some more fall pieces that I have come up with. Enjoy your Friday, y'all! You may (or may not) see me around these parts this weekend. Don't look for me! ;) Haha.

Untitled #348
Untitled #345
Untitled #343
Untitled #347
Untitled #339
Untitled #327
Untitled #325
Untitled #330
Untitled #323

Untitled #320
Song Choice: 'Stutter' by Marianas Trench. I truly adore this song. There is no exaggeration coming from me here. Just click play below.

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