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Life So Far...

By 9:00 AM

(yes, this is an old photo. they're necessary sometimes.)

One / There are tons of fashion websites that provide deals and discounts for some of the loveliest pieces. And when I say plenty, I mean it. There are tons.  And I happened to come across one today. Biva.

Once you sign up (required), they offer you a chance to start shopping or earn $25 dollars by inviting people (like most sites, there is an incentive to gain site viewers). After all of that, they have events that you must see! The discounts are some that you probably want to snap up, and something that cannot be missed. Also, on the sidebar, the upcoming events (i.e. discounts/deals) are shown so you know what to look forward to. These events are only up for a few days, at most, so be careful on missing out on them.

Two / Lately, I have become more and more obsessed with corgis. I have begun to see these breeds of dogs all over the interwebz, and it's crazy. Like, I honestly had no idea these they even existed before this summer. I'm glad that I know now, though, because I want one!

Three / I want this shirt, these flats, and this shirt. The last shirt is my favorite. ;) Haha. If you're interested in seeing other things that I want, visit my Wantworthy. It is a website where you can add things that you want, and it links back to it.  Whenever you actually purchase the item (which you have the option to do from the site, just press the "buy" button), you can click the check mark and it'll move to your "bought" section. It's a cool, free site that I've become addicted to so that I can save every item that I've ever wanted (probably not a good thing for my bank account - oops?). 

Four / Oh gosh, why did school have to start again? It's only Thursday, and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to worry about homework and tests and all of that other bull (i.e. Summer). 

Five / I am so sad, y'all.  I cannot download anymore music to my iPad Mini because it's out of storage. WTF. I really should have gotten more storage, but danggit, I didn't, so now I'm stuck with only listening to music on my phone (which has to stream, y'all from Google Play so that I don't waste all of my space on my phone). This sucks. It really, really sucks. 

Six / For the Song Choice, I am going to begin using Grooveshark permanently instead of Youtube. It's better to play, and gives a more clean look (which I prefer). So take it, and love it. :)

How's your life going so far?

Song Choice: 'Kiss On My List' by Hall & Oates. 

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