What I Learned During my Two Months of Blogging
Hi!!!!!! (Like my overuse of exclamation points? Good.) It is Friday, and I am still in Florida soaking up the lasting sunrays of the Summer. I'm having a great time (hopefully, as I am writing this ahead of time) with my family. So far, we have been ziplining, horseback riding, swimming with dolphins, and jet-skiing (some more may be added while there). It feels amazing to be taking a break from all of the things up in Michigan (moving to a new home, getting prepared for school to start back up, dealing with switching schools, and blogging). A break (i.e. vacation) is really good for both the soul and mind (haha, why am I talking like this?), and it helps refresh the mind. So, by the time I come back, I will have tons of posts to share with you all! Oh, and photos. Lots and lots of photos (some you can catch real time by following me on insta).
What I learned in my blogging experience (2 months):
Over the two months that I have graced the blogosphere with my presence, I have learned a few things about my blog itself, the community, and general tips. Of course, I will limit it down to a measly top 5 that has really stuck with me.
One / You don't have to feel forced to post daily, otherwise you might start losing your passion for blogging in the first place. Instead, feel as if you want to post everyday (if that's what you are up for). Creating a schedule is also a really good way to keep up with how often you will post (or an editorial calender). Just make sure that you don't pressure yourself into writing half-arse posts with sh-ty quality just because you need to post "every" day. If you must, post on Tuesday and Thursday, or whatever days best suit you. Make (and keep) it into something that you will love and cherish.
Two / Reply back to any comments that you get. This helps build up your community connection. It is not required for you to reply back, but if you want a strong, responsive community, responding back to comments always help. You can keep it short and simple, "Thanks!" or you can go in depth and share a little sometin'-sometin' extra.
Three / Join blog hops/link ups. These honestly help you gain readers and build up your community even more. You can also gain friends and discover new blogs (that you might end up loving!). I only recently began joining these, and I can already tell a slight difference. Oh! And I have found some of my favorite blogs by this, as well. Love love love, and I highly recommend doing this.
Four / It's okay to try out different posts. Bloggers evolve, as well as their blogs. Trial-and-error is the only way that we are able to learn as we evolve. So do not be afraid to do a style post if you are a home decor blog, and don't be afraid to throw out a recipe here and there one a makeup blog. Find what you prefer over time, and it's okay even then to go through trial-and-error.
Five / Know the limits between sharing and over-sharing. The challenge with being a blogger is knowing what is OK to share about your life, and what is something that you should probably keep to yourself. You do not want to cross the line and end up having regrets about posting something that you eventually feel like only you and your family should know about. It is solely up to you to know what your limits are, but I highly suggest you figure that out early on. Think, "would I be ashamed of reading this [insert time frame] from now?" Or, "would [insert person] be upset that I put this on here?" If the answer to those are yes, then, er, you should refrain from posting that too-much-detailed post there is.
What are some of the things that you have learned throughout your experience blogging?
Song Choice: 'Easy' by Sheryl Crow. I adore this tune so so so much. Maybe it's the instruments? Maybe it's the lyrics? But I am pretty sure that it is the vocals. Regardless to what it is, I think you should give it a listen below. The song is very easy-listening, and a great song to listen to on a chill day (or whenever you are up for a sing-along!).