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Floral Shorts + Converse

By 9:21 PM

I did not have enough time to edit these photos of my outfit from today (sorry). It's been a very busy day, starting from dropping my sister off at the hospital (for her volunteer hours, not because she's sick), then we ran around shopping for the rest of the day for the house. Oh gosh, remind me to never move again (sike! three years, I'm leaving Michigan; yay!). What did you do today? I hope it was much, much better than my day. Haha. :)

These shorts I purchased from eBay. When I got them, they were biggggg on me, so I just shoved them in my drawer and decided to not wear them.  Then I saw on Flourshur how Flower cut her jeans into shorts with the hem rolled up. I did not cut my shorts, but I had an "aha, why am I so stupid?" moment. So, I just rolled the shorts up until they fit me better, and voila! I had high-waisted, floral shorts that I now am in love with. 

Song: 'Please Don't Stop The Music' by The Treblemakers (from Pitch Perfect). Yes, yes, yes, I am aware that this song is old, but hey, I am addicted to it! Just a few days ago, I finally watched Pitch Perfect, and ohgodohgodohgod, it. was. AMAZING. Since I am partial to cute guys singing, I loved it, and the humor, and, it was different. It is not like they randomly burst out singing (cough, cough: high school musical - not that I have anything against it or anything); they actually had singing groups. So, yeah. Therefore, I am addicted to all of the soundtrack. ALL OF IT.

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