Creativity Shouldn't Be Held Back
A lot of people live their lives believing in the misconception of what being creative is. I touched on the topic of what art is here, so I feel as if I might as well tie it with this post of what holds us (yes us because we all felt or feel like this sometimes) back from letting loose on the hold of our creativity. The saying, "I am not creative," is so overused. That is the. worst. excuse. Ever (well to me it is). You see, I look at life as this: everyone has creativity in them. It is just how we were made. The thing that is different is how we portray it. Some may be creative with their photography, painting, acting, dancing, or writing. It is all creative because it comes from the mind.
What makes people say that they are not creative is because they are afraid of being wrong at what they like to create. They figure that what they do, like, and want to make is not the right way to do it, therefore they just slap the "un-creative" sticker on and call it a day. Yeah, no. Until the fear of not being creative passes, you will never make progress, and you will never get a chance to do what you love. So y'know what - you need to disregard every cliche of what being creative is about. Forget about someone saying what you like to do is stupid. Forget about it all, get lost in your own world, and create. Afterall, it is up to you to acknowledge your creativity, because we all got it; we just may not realize it.
Song Choice: 'Love Bites (So Do I)' by Halestorm. I found out about this really amazing band last year (when this album came out), and ever since I have been hooked. Like, literally. Their songs are fierce and badass. Love love love. You should give it a listen to below. Bet you can't tell me you don't like. Haha.