Summer Time Means Forgoing Jean Pants
Today was such an amazing day. Starting off my week in a fab way, I woke up around 8 am, caught up on reading all of the blogs that I am subscribed to while listening to music, got up at 10:02 (yes, I saw the time) and proceeded to get ready for a few hours at the animal shelter. Considering that I have been AWOL at the shelter for two good years, I felt like it was about time to donate my services to them once again (and I'm loving it!). The animals are so darn precious and the people are very nice to work along with. I am glad that I am volunteering there again.
The only sad part about volunteering at the animal shelter is having to wear long the summer...when it's hot, like today was. Honestly, it was so darn hot that I cursed to myself upon stepping out of my air-conditioned home {like really; why must it be so hot? 80-85 F is hot enough for me}. The only long pants that I own are jeans. That's it. Well, and dress pants, but like I'd ever wear that to the animal shelter. Nevertheless, today I came up with the conclusion that heat and jeans do not match. They are one of the worse matches ever. Thankfully I stayed indoors to help socialize the cats, fold volunteer t-shirts, and clean up the puppy room (where they had air!), instead of out in the heat. I'm not too sure how far I'll be able to do that though, so I need new longer pants (that are not jeans - duh!).
Therefore, to help myself (and give inspiration to you all), I am going to list some of the pants that I immediately came home and searched for, as well as fell in love with (because I am so about to buy them - never. wearing. jeans. this. summer. again). Have any other pairs that you love?