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Only the Favorites: Happy Friday!

By 11:54 AM ,

Happy Friday! What an interesting thing that allows you to group items together to create an outfit. Oh, yeah, you guessed it right {if you even guessed}. I am referring to the oldie Polyvore. The site where pretty much everyone goes to when they are feeling a little creative, whether it be for fashion or decorating an interior space. I have been on Polyvore for a little over two years, but I created a new account 8 months ago {I don't know why}. Polyvore is just someplace that I can showcase my style, and I really love it because you are not limited to a certain style. I mean, yeah, sure, you can join contests and groups that have specific requirements, but there are also groups that do not. But who even said that you have to join a group? That's right. No one.  No one has ever said that. "You have to join a group, Krishaun!" Haha, no.

Just as a little "Happy Friday!" post, I think I will share some of my favorite outfits that I've created over the past 8 months. If you like any, let me know. I'd appreciate it. :)


If you have any Polyvore favorites, then link them to me. I'd love to give them a look! x

Song Choice: 'Ready to Roll' by Blake Shelton. This song actually fits the Holiday of the 4th, but it's the 5th, so yeah. Buttttt, the song is really good for a nice 'ole BBQ or just a get together with some friends. You can find this song on Blake Shelton's 2011 album, Red River Blue. It's a nice country tune that you can kick your feet up and sip a beer to {not that I'd not because I'm only fifteen...haha}. So even if you do not listen to Country music, I think you should give this song a listen. And if you like it, listen to his entire album (plus his newest one). 

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