Wallpaper can officially be traced back to as early as the A.C.s, even possibly the B.C.s. It is just something that older homes possess. Mostly found in kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms, wallpaper is quickly being replaced by more textured wall adornments, such as regular paint, textured paint, planks, and whatever else one wants to do to a wall. But, something that I find very intriguing is the use of wallpaper on stairs. It is something that can be visually appealing, and an easy DIY. Step out of the box and be different - instead of painting your steps, wallpaper them! It will not only give your steps a more vintage feeling (because honestly, who really uses this stuff anymore? We're usually tearing it down!), it will also provide a feeling of home. Well, it should because you are doing it...so it's a personal touch.
Found on ApartmentTherapy, this wallpapered staircase is from the cover of Serena and Lily. I particularly like this design because it is more modernized {and I honestly need a modern touch to my stuff} and very lovely! The dash of red on the middle step also makes me adore these just that much more. It's a nice geometric design idea. Just look at all of the shapes!
Floral is a girls best friend (ya' know, besides diamonds). That's what I like to think anyways with how much it is popping up this Summer...or this year, in general. Although these steps were first posted in 2009, who cares? I'm finding them now and I'm loving them. Once again, these give off a modernized look {me encanta!}. It's all a very pretty and classy look. Can I say a must-do DIY? {yeah, I said it - so what?}
These vintage wallpapered steps can either create a more eclectic feeling, or a vintage one. With half of the step being wooden and the sides being white, I feel like that compliments the floral patterns (ranging from pink and blue to yellow and red) of the wallpaper. It's something that I could honestly adore all day {until I feel like doing a makeoverrrrr.}
These staircases are just random ones that I find really nice and appealing. Something that I'd totally DIY.
These chalkboard steps are something that allow for originality and creativity. I really like it because whatever you draw/write on there, it can easily be changed. Like, that's just so amazing. So if you get board {haha, chalkboard}--oops, bored--of whatever is on there, you can erase and get even more creative.
Mural art is always amazing! {it's one thing that I can stare at alllll day; it intrigues me that much} Seeing it on stairs is much, much more better. It's pretty, interesting, artistic, and something to marvel at once complete. Trust me, guests will be surprised and interested as who usually is patient enough to paint this? {not I.} So get your pencil out, sketch, then begin painting your beautiful piece.
No paint, no tiles, no wallpaper, and no mural art. It a mosaic of its own. Sure, it's not normal steps with mosaic on it. Instead, it is mosaic art all together - something that is very original, beautiful, and seemingly fun! Imagine getting to climb those steps all of the time. I'd have a blast! This project could be painted numerous colors, and become a colorful art project. {Honestly, I want to do this!}
Song Choice: 'Never Let Me Go' by Lana Del Rey. As a very original artist with a lovely, unique voice, Lana is one of my idols and favorite solo singers. She's someone who sings with a lot of heart and a good entertainer. She's somebody that I recommend you to listen to. 'Never Let Me Go' is her 2012 single.
Student, aspiring graphic designer, and traveler, Krishaun Burns is a 17-year old blogger. She enjoys writing, photography, reading, and speaking her mind. You'll find her on various social media and Five98s.