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Happy Monday! #Quotunes

By 5:30 AM ,

Happy Monday (said no one ever).  Just kidding (kind of)! To promote the positivity that this day should start of with, a little #quotunes is in order. A quote and a nice, upbeat tune is what I am greeting you all with this morning, so enjoy that. While you check that out, I am hoping that you are having a great start of the day, and keep it going that way (or turn it around for the best) for the rest of this Monday. Regardless to if it is rainy, sunny, or cloudy, just keep a smile on your face, crank some tunes (or sing some in your head if you're at work), and be happy. Have a fab day, y'all! :)

Link up with #Quotunes with me every Monday!  Instead of doing a Friday "get-this-weekend-started" post, let's do a "get-this-week" started inspirational one. Just add a nice quote that you are loving and a grand tune that you love, too. That's all. To find Selena Gomez's song, find it hereeeee. I guarantee you that you'll love it.

Song Choice: 'All Over the Road' by Easton Corbin. This tune is funny. Seriously. And I love it! Easton Corbin is one of my favorite country artists, and this song allows me to show you why. Check it out below, and see for yourself. You can't tell me that you don't crack a smile. 

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