Good Reads + 2014 Reading Goals
Reading, writing, and 'rithmetic are the three R's that we are taught in school. {I never really understood the latter, but eh, I'll go with it.} If you do not know how to write, you will hardly get by in the world--that is what we are taught at least. Well, to a certain extent that is true because you do need to know how to formulate sentences and the like. On the other hand, not every one's career path will require them to write a grade A essay. The basics are generally what needs to be retained in every one's brain once taught; things such as the difference between "their, there, and they're" and "your and you're". Reading is something that is necessary, no question about it. Being able to put together words, formulate sentences, and do all of this under a few seconds needs to be a skill that is honed in on simply because everything {and yes, I am literally saying everything} requires you to read something in one way or the other {whether that be directions or casual reading}. 'Rithmetic (or arithmetic) is something that I am not down with. Give me basic math and algebra, then I am set. Throw in abc and xyz, then you have officially lost me. Sure, it is an important skill to be able to count money, etc, but after that, who is going to be thinking, well, I can get the circumference of the...yadda, yadda, ya.
I cannot believe that I just wrote that long winded paragraph explaining why we need to be able to read, write, and do math. That's kind of ridiculous. I'm saying that especially because I was planning {and still am} sharing what books I am interested in reading before 2014 is over. Y'all see how I can easily get distracted? Haha.
Lately, I have been getting my mojo back to casually read. The only thing is that I want a handheld book, not a Kindle. Sure, the convenience of a Kindle is great, but the feeling and the rawness of holding a book in my hand is absolutely fanatical. I miss that. Plus, since I am going to be taking a flight from Detroit to San Francisco in approximately a month and some, I want to start collecting some books to keep myself distracted with en route.
Good Reads is a popular book-saving site/app that allows you to mark what you read and read it, and you can also save books that you would like t read. I recently downloaded the app onto my iPad, and I sat there and added a bunch of books to my want to read list. Now, I am getting excited because some of these books seems so darn good, and I am anticipating the time where I can curl up in a seat and get lost in the life of others. Below, I am sharing my goals for this year, book-wise.
June: I've Got Your Number
July: Size 12 Is Not Fat
August: Sleeping Arrangements
September: Eat, Pray, Love
October: Big Girl Panties
November: Losing It
December: The Proposition
A few substitutes {depending on how I feel per month} might include the following: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns), Unfixable, and Breathe Into Me. If you are interested in seeing my entire list of books that I have read so far {based on memory} and books that I'd like to read, visit here.
Tune: Lost by Chris Young