Hi, y'all! Hola, chicas! Hey, everybody! I am extremely sleep as I type this right now. It a wonder that I am even still up. {P.S. It's only 9:50 right now. Total party girl, eh?} Maybe my tiredness has to do with this past, stressful week. Projects upon projects upon projects. This weekend, I still have to finish this dang Civics project that it seems only 2/3 of my group is working on. {I foresee a post about why I hate group projects in the near future.} Aside from that, I dunno. It seems as if I wake up happy because I now wake up with the beautiful sun, but as the day progress, I just grow tired. Boy oh boy does school suck.
Today, I figured I should do a currently post. These posts are some of my fave because they give me a sneakpeek into a lot of blogger's lives. #noseyalert
Currently Reading: The Devil Wears Prada. So far, so good. This book is actually quite entertaining with the witty thoughts and sarcastic comments of Andrea, who is the protagonist that seeks to make her way up to the position of editor at The New York Times; the annoying, bossy ways of Miranda, Andrea's boss; and the stuck up gals and guys that make up the rest of the workers at Runway. If you missed my posts about books that I am going to read monthly, here ya' go. The Devil Wears Prada was the very first book that I wanted to read, so...well, here it is. As of right now, I highly recommend reading this book. {I'll update once I am complete.}
Currently Listening: Latch by Disclosure. I am pretty sure that everyone has heard--and officially became addicted--this song by British artists Disclosure. Aside from that, I've been addicted to a bunch of funky Reggaeton/Latin tunes.
Currently Watching: Supernatural! Oh my, oh my. This show scares the beejezus out of me, but I refuse to ever give up watching it. {No matter how many times I nearly pass out from thrill.}
Currently Expecting: My first tattoo on Sunday. I am beyond excited for words! Oh la la. ;) I cannot wait to show y'all what tattoo I ended up with.
Currently Struggling With: SLEEP! I am honestly so sleep deprived that it is no longer funny. {Not that it ever was.} If only my body would understand that I would like to sleep in past 9:30 for once. Or, maybe, just maybe, 2, 3, 4, 5 biggie, eh?
Tune: Problem by Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea