Nicknames Are For The Cool Kids
I love nicknames a lot. They give a person character. Some nicknames are inside jokes. Others are just a shorter way to call someone's name. Regardless to what it is used for, a nickname is one of the best things about life, in my personal opinion, course. For instance, my baby cousin's nickname is Tater Tot (from his mum's side of the family), and I think that is uber adorable! {Did y'all know that 'uber' is a German word? Haha. I just looked that up, and it's an awesome fun fact!}
As I've grown up, my nicknames have been of the limited variety. I've only had between three and four, and I kind of like that. The reason that I like the variety, though, is because one of my nicknames [Shaun] is a common name for guys, and it can become quite confusing when trying to communicate. Say for instance, I am at school and someone decides to call their friend Shawn. Well, I most likely will turn around because it is one of the common nicknames used for moi.
Nicknames That I Am Called By:
1. Shaun - this one was previously referenced. It is the most common one that people (family + friends) call me by. It is simply a shorter way of saying my name (minus the Kri-).
2. BuggaBoo - this nickname is for sole use by my dad. I do not let anyone else call me this. The story behind this name is kind of cute {puppy cute, y'all}. One day at the Dearborn Animal Shelter {where I volunteer}, I saw THE cutest dog ever. I believe that it was a golden retriever or something, but anyways-- the dog's name was BuggaBoo Baby. Somehow, I mentioned this to my dad and talked about how much I loved that dog. Ever since then...well, he started to call me BuggaBoo. Weird? Hahah, no. It's cool.
3. Shaunay {pronounced Shaun-aaaaayyyy} - my close friend, Korzell, calls me this. Once again, only he is allowed to call me this because it'd sound weird if anyone else did. It's not as dragged out as I made it seem above, but eh, I just wanted to get the pronunciation clear.
4. Shaun Ava. - oh my, hahaha! I kind of came up with this nickname for myself {anyone else does this?}, and it just kind of stuck. You can look at some of my various social media pages, and you most likely will find this nickname. Shaun (my name) is kind of obvious, but where I got the name Ava from is beyond me. That's a really pretty name, though!
Tune: This Woman's Work by Maxwell