Homecoming 2013 - Oh, yes.
Woah! I feel like I have just disappeared off of the face of the Earth and only now just returned. The past few weeks have been busy-busy, and it's been nearly impossible to take a break to blog. I was either going to school, attending a party, sleeping, eating,being sick, or spending time with my family (speaking of which, a bunch are coming up this week, oh my). I honestly do miss blogging though, so I cannot wait until I can come back full force! However, today is not that day (insert tear). I am merely here to photo-bomb you guys with a bunch of photographs that you can simply find over at my insta. Well, actually, I think I'll just photo-bomb you guys with photos from Homecoming 2013 (#rhshomecoming2k13 / yes, I hashtagged on my blog SUE ME).
Oh! And I got the dress from Windsor. Remember this post? Yep, here is the revelation.