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60 Seconds Upset is 1 Minute Wasted

By 8:00 AM , , , , ,

It's been awhile hasn't it? It has.  Catching a crazy cold took a toll on me last week (especially on Saturday, oh no).  I caught the cold from my sister, my dad, and about a million other teens that decided to go to school sick last week (what. the. hell. Stay home and away from a perfectly - then - healthy me, thank you very much).  Thank God I was able to finish the week out, but on Saturday I was a hot mess! Literally.  Both of my nostrils were clogged up and I could not breath (btw: I could not try to go to sleep with my mouth open, I just...ergh, can't), my eyes were swollen, I was freaking drugged up on medicine, and I was burning.  I was really worrying because whenever I get sick, I tend to stay sick for a loooong time, which essentially sucks.  However, that did not happen to me because today I feel fine (yay!).  Maybe it was because of all of the vitamin pills that my mum decided to shove down my throat? Hmm...who knows? Whatever. Moreover, I pray that this week will be good, go by fast, and the weekend arrives once again (homecoming in two weeks! yayyy!). So, tell me: how did your weekend go?

For the past - seemingly successful - few months, I have tried to stop staying angry, stop holding a grudge, stop not being happy. If the most I could be at the moment is content, then y'know what, I accept that. Anything other than sadness or anger, I can deal with it.  Living life not happy gives me minimum memories to look back on that allows me to smile.  This thought, however, forces me to make sure I do not stay mad or sad at something (even if I can change it). And for the time I have been making this attempt,  I can see a change in my life and how I perceive it.  I see the good things, I appreciate the good things, and I am starting to really love my life.

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