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The Impending Fashion of Fall

By 9:00 AM

We need to get over the fact that essentially, Summer is in it's final days. The days will get shorter and colder, the lovely days of relaxation all throughout the week is over (for us school kids, anyways), and I'm probably going to be getting sick very quickly now (Fall and Winter are horrible seasons for me - boo!). Nevertheless, with only 26 days until it is officially (yes, government official) Fall, I am trying to ease myself into the impending days of cozy sweaters, boots, and pumpkins. This means I need to switch the gears in my head from Summer wear to Fall wear (which, if I must say, is some of the best fashion due to to the fact you can layer clothing [not that I don't do it year round]). 
5. Handbag
6. Booties

Song Choice: 'Do It Like A Dude' by Jessie J. I have one word to describe Jessie: talented.  She is such a lovely artist with a boatload of talent. This is one of my favorite songs by her, and I think that you should give it a listen! I guarantee that you'll fall in love with it. 

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