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6 Things You Should Know About Me

By 7:34 PM , ,

Hey, y'all! Yeah, I'm late on this whole '6 Things You Should Know About Me' post that has been seen on probably every blogger's part of the interwebz.  Well, now it'll be on mines because I'm doing it today. Melyssa from the Nectar Collective tagged everybody, and y'know me - how could I not. ;)

1. What hobby would you love to pick up?
I'm going to cheat and say three hobbies that have really been swirling around in my head that I would absolutely love to pick up.  The main one that I want to take a shot at is Western horseback riding. There has always been something about riding horses that has piqued my interest. I am actually going to start taking riding lessons this year (hopefully). 

Second to that, I would love to start dancing again.  Ever since I was able to walk, I have always danced and moved around (seriously, look at the baby videos). I've did ballet, hip-hop, tap, modern, and jazz. Last year was when I stopped dancing officially, but I think it'd be pretty cool for me to begin with it again.

Lastly, I would enjoy swimming.  I have always loved swimming, but y'know what, I took up that hobby last year (officially) when I joined the swim team. Yup, it's a lot harder than it seems to swim on a team. A lot. But if I worked on it, I know that I can do it, so it'd be an amazing hobby to do (and keep!). 

2. Best piece of advice?
It's not advice per say, but a quote that I live by and I think is very valuable. “Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.” — Deepak Chopra 

It's a great piece of advice quote simply because life is short. And yes, I understand that you need to experience all emotions and experiences fully to grow in life, but I, for one, do not want to live majority of my life upset, or sad, or fretting over things that I cannot help.  Or things that somebody else does (once again, out of my control). So if I do not want to be upset or sad because of somebody else, then why should I only be happy because of somebody else? I want to be happy because of me, otherwise I would only be happy in life at certain periods because humans are not perfect.  Humans will irritate, will annoy, will frustrate, will sadden. So if I depend on them to make me happy, then yeah, I'd have a time frame (plus a few) per day.  I don't want that. Now, don't get me wrong; it is fantastic to be happy with somebody else, or to be cheered up by somebody else, but I just do not want to be happy because of somebody else. I think happiness needs to be because of me. I find happiness in the smallest of things - me listening to music alone, me reading a book alone, me watching my favorite TV shows alone, me cracking a joke to myself even when I'm not alone.  I can enjoy those with others, but I don't always want to. And because I know myself (I need alone time often because I'll get irritated if I'm with people all. of. the. time), I know that I need to be happy because of myself, otherwise I can kiss my happiness goodbye. Does this make sense?

3. What is something that you love about yourself?
My curiosity. It's purely the best thing about myself.  I know when to put my nose somewhere, and when not too.  Majority of the time though, when I find myself being curious about something, the only way to sate it is to find out about it. And yep, that has led me to discover a lot. That  is essentially fantastic because I am learning more and more everyday than someone who does not bother to discover, to ask questions, to search.

4. Who has been your role model?
My IRL (i.e. people that I know) role model would have to be my mum.  She has been through so much in life (from losing her job with General Motors after 18 years during all of the layoffs a few years back to becoming the first black female police officer with Dearborn last year). Through all of the challenges that she has had, she has been strong and never quit.  I really admire that about her.  She's a very brave woman. I don't know how she didn't just break down and quit, but she got through it. I admire that about her. 

My celeb role model is Avril Lavigne. She is so freaking talented, and she has worked hard to get to where she is now. Oh, and her 'don't really care what you say about me' attitude is amazing and I love that. It's inspiring to be who you want to be, and not who you think everyone wants you to be.  Afterall, you only have one life, so you might as well live it how you want to.

5. When you struggle in life, what keeps you going?
Music.  It may sound crazy, but that's the thing that inspires me to keep going. Certain songs may be more of a pick-me-upper, while others may be a freaking debby-downer, but regardless, it inspires me. To listen to others struggles, to listen to others creativity, to listen to people who has been through a lot - yeah, that lets me know that I can make it and the struggle isn't forever. 

6. One goal that you would like to achieve before 2014.
I want to start working out and eating healthier. This is to not only become a healthier version of me, but also to improve my self-love and self-confidence (which is lacking some right now). Instead of saying "oh gosh, this is too hard - I quit!", I want to actually stick to it, lose weight, and stop snacking on a bunch of Twinkies (oops?). 

Now that you know six more things about me that you hadn't before, I am tagging you to do this if you already haven't.  That means everybody is tagged. :)

Song Choice: 'On and On' by Brett Eldredge. Okay, yes, this song is quite repetitive, but gosh, I LOVE IT!  Brett Eldredge has a lovely voice, and his songs are really good, so you should check them out (starting with the one below). I highly suggest One Mississippi and Don't Ya. Oh, and let's not forget how freaking cute he is. Haha. ;p

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