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Nothing Big but Leisure

By 8:41 PM ,

How's your Saturday? An outfit post was called for today as I wore my new {well, not new, I just have not worn it before today} leather and cotton skater dress from Debs. It was perfect for an errand and leisure day with my family.  Early in the A.M., my mum, sister, my sister's friend and I all went to a matinee to catch Kevin Hart's movie, Let Me Explain. It was beyond hilarious! I have to go and see him live. {Oh, and as a random thought, the movie White House Down was freaking amazing, too! Plus, Channing Tatum was soooo hot covered in sweat, debris, and gosh knows what else - all while wearing a bulletproof vest with his arms on display. Oh la la.} After the movie, we returned home to eat lunch, dropped my sister's bud off, then went to check out some rental cars with my dad for our trip down to Florida in August. Everything after that was pretty chill; y'know, groceries, more movies, shopping for totally cute clothes and stuff. So my blue jean jacket and skater dress was perfect for the occasion today. I was very comfy, all the while looking amazing. Plus, my flats were a bonus (I got them from Payless, whatever).


I got a few things earlier from Debs and Burlington Coat Factory.  I'll post those in a future post (most likely tomorrow). So, yeah, look out for that. :)

Song Choice: 'Toes' by Zac Brown Band.  This song is an amazing, energetic folk/country song. I love it just as much as I love the band itself. The song is from their 2009 album, The Foundation. It is a catchy tune that I am almost 100% positive you will love. 

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