New Installment: TMI Tuesday - Is that weird?
As a fifteen year old sophomore, I have plenty of awkward and embarrassing quirks about myself. Somethings I have just grown into, others, I just happen to like/do it. After watching Girl Code for so long, their whole "is that weird?" thing has stuck on me, therefore I figure I'd do my own "is that weird?" installment. I will post one thing about myself that may be quite weird every Wednesday. If you like it, feel free to do your own and link back to me so that I can see {because I really do!}. I will limit myself {so that I won't embarrass myself too much}, but I will still let you all in on some odd things that I do.
I love hanging around people and socializing, but I honestly cannot stand them 85% of the time. Is that weird?
Song Choice: 'A Drop in the Ocean' by Ron Pope. This is honestly one of my favorite songs. It may be because of Ron's lovely, unique voice, or because of the lyrics. It is simply amazing (read that in Trey Songz's voice). The song is a 2009 single. It is not new, but I still adore it like it is. Check it out!