Hi-low Dresses "too fancy?" NEVER!
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today has started off in a productive way, so hopefully that is how the rest of my day shall be. I can cross cleaning up my room off of my list...nothing else is done, haha. Well, besides that, today will be a day full of townhouse hunting with my family. Hopefully that leads somewhere. While we scour our neighboring (and non-neighboring) cities for a place to move, I tend to lean towards comfort. Comfort as well as amazing clothes is just a bonus (that I try to always achieve!). Today, I chose a very adorable leopard print and black hi-low dress from Charlotte Russe that I happened to save from the very back of my sister's closet {shame on her!}. She felt as if it is "too dressy" to wear casual because she wore it to our school's Grammy's, but psshhh! It's perfect for a Summer day.
As a recognition (and proof to my sister that this type of dress isn't "too dressy") to hi-low dresses, below are some of my favorite hi-low dresses. Have any that you personally love? Let me see 'em!