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Hair-Yeah! (y' trucks here)

By 1:36 PM , , ,

The story of how my hair got super damaged (from a perm) is quite boring, so I won't bother you with it. Instead, I will skip to how my hair has grown tons from where it used to be, and I am so grateful for that fact. Now that I am older, I have come to appreciate and love my hair for how it is (curly). With that acknowledgement also comes the frustration of learning how to do my hair and make it work for me and my face (y'know, not all styles work with the frame of somebody's facial structure). There has been tons of moments where I just wanted to throw in a weave, or cut my hair shorter all together (that thought was short lived as I hate having short hair).  Then, there have been the moments where I found really adorable hair styles that I love having. Of course, difficulties came with how I'd do it every. freaking. day. So, I eventually just started tossing my hair into a loose ponytail. Wearing a ponytail is sort of how I got into the mess of my hair falling out as well (it broke off because I used to put it in too tight), so I still wanted to find a different style (although I do still swear by loose ponytails). This morning, I think I finally found another adorable style that is so easy to do! I mean it. So. Freaking. Easy. This may become one of my go-to-styles.

In complete honesty, I do not know what kept me from finding this style earlier.  I mean, I have seen tons of people wearing it (shaved on one side, long on the other), starting with Cassie. But that does not matter now.  I found it, and I'm loving it. Do you guys know any other styles that I could try out? My hair is thick and coily-curly (does that make sense - haha?).

Song Choice: 'Better Than I Know Myself' by Adam Lambert.  I am currently listening to this song as I type, and I am so addicted. Adam is one of my favorite singers (everrr!), so there is no shock as to why I am literally addicted to all of his {Just be glad that I am not choosing only his songs for the Song Choice. heheh.} This tune is from his 2012 album, Trespassing. I advise you to check it all out! Besides, what's not to love about Adam? His voice is purely amazing. His style is hot. And he's uber awesome.

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