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Concerts and Wedges

By 5:09 PM , , , , ,

I have absolutely no words to describe how darn amazing the Beyonce concert was last night. Of course, I knew that Beyonce was going to go all out and have a fab concert, but I had no idea how amazing it was going to be. She had the fire, the smoke, the dancers (remember that part from Step Up: Revolution with the ballet dancers in the art gallery? she had that!), the screenings, the performance in general. It was mind blowing. And my-oh-my, her costumes were freaking awesomeeee! There was no disappointment last night at all, and if there was any, it was because of the fact we wanted the show to be longer. That's it.

While I am on the subject of the amazing concert, I might as well share with you what I wore last night. Wanting to stay comfortable, I decided against wearing the blue skirt that I was originally planning on wearing, and chose a pair of comfy blue jeans that I rolled up. I am glad that I did because if I would've worn the skirt, I probably would have kept pulling it down (I don't feel that comfy wearing short skirts when I have to climb stairs...etc. It feels like everyone can see up it - oops, haha). For my top, I wore a cute, beige top with floral beads and necklining that I got from Burlington's Coat Factory {I think!}. And remember the pair of shoes that I got from Dots? Yeah, I wore them bad boys. ;) They were really comfy throughout the concert, but when I was walking out, a shoe came untied and I felt like my foot was about to slip out, like, "OH NO!" So. Awkward.

If you want to catch these photos live, follow me on instagram. Extra photos that don't appear on this blog also is on there. 

Song Choice: 'Something Stupid' by Michael Buble feat. Reese Witherspoon. You know those songs that remind you so much of your childhood? Well, yeah, this song is that. Where it is from is on the tip of my tongue, but I cannot fully remember it. Nevertheless, I love it! I was supposed to go and see Michael in September, but turns out, I can't :(tear). Anyways, this song is #5 on his newest album, To Be Loved. If you have not ever listened to this very talented man, then you need to listen below! Trust me, you will not be disappointed. I. am. in. love. with. his. voice. To put it simply, he's the Frank Sinatra of our time. 'Nuff said.

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