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Transitioning from Summer to Fall

By 10:00 AM , , , , ,

Embracing my inner California girl, I threw on a pair of booties and short shorts for a hot day in Michigan. The weather was not too hot for me though (obviously). After all, I did wear a black sweater! (The silk camisole was very airy though, so that balanced my outfit out; plus, I was comfortable in and out of shade all day.) 

The booties that I am wearing were purchased from Sears a couple of years ago. This had to be the, say, third time I even really wore them? I have no idea how come I did not put these booties into good play, but I for sure am going to this upcoming fall! I'm probably digging these more because (1) my style continues to grow and change, and (2) I can envision the pieces in my closet that would work well with these booties more so now compared to when I first bought them.

This entire outfit is pretty much how I start to transition into fall-wear. I keep certain things such as shorts and breezy tops in rotation because the weather is still pretty hot. However, sweaters get unpacked.  (Although I never officially put them away. Eh.) They're perfect for those balmy, late-summer nights. Another thing that comes into play are booties! They are key to my summer to fall clothes transition. The amount of times that they can be worn is re-dunk-u-lous. 

I have no idea how fashion bloggers narrow all of their posts down to, like, three/four photos. It's impossible for me! "Oh my gosh! I don't look stupid in that one; I must post it!" is what I do when reviewing all of the photos that I (or someone else) took [of me]. As a female, you probably understand me, no?'s just me, okay. That's cool, too. (Not really; I'm just trying to comfort my hurt ego.) 

Does an overload of photos bother y'all? I actually don't mind them because this blog is sort of like my journal. I enjoy seeing good photos of myself (no matter how grainy they may be -- I honestly need a better camera), so I feel as if I am going to continue doing a photo overhaul. But don't worry! I hardly get a ton of good photos of myself, so don't worry about it being too much. (Haha!)

Tune: Wild Heart by Daughtry
Wild Heart by Daughtry on Grooveshark
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