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Braggers Can Get the Boot

By 10:00 AM , , ,

Bragging is annoying. I hate when people do it. It bothers me relentlessly whenever I hear it. Bragging is one thing that I can one-hundred percent say that I try my hardest not to do. If I ever do find myself bragging, then I quickly stop myself, apologize to whomever I am speaking to, and try to turn the conversation onto my conversation partner. 

There are a few reasons why someone would brag so mercilessly. The most irritating reason that I can think of is because the bragger wants whomever they're bragging to to feel jealous and pretty bad for not having/not being able to do whatever they're boasting about.  I see it happen a lot. Sometimes I can tell that the bragger is doing it intentionally; other times I find that they're do it unintentionally. An example of intentional bragging is if someone makes more money than you, and they complain about having to use an allotted amount of money to pay for something like a hair appointment (that they don't have to go to). That, my friend, is intentional bragging. They may not be doing it for the sole reason of making a person feel bad, but they're doing it to get attention at the very least. That is beyond irritating. If you're going to "complain" about it, then don't buy it/pay for it! It's pretty simple. In another instance (for unintentional bragging), say you are in a conversation about electronics, and you are talking about how much you want an iPod. After you're done talking, your conversation partner would say something to the means of, "I have an iPod, iPad, iPhone, and a Mac. They're meh." Whenever I hear something like that, my first reaction is what the heck? What was the purpose of that comment? For one, the statement was first around an iPod, not all of Apple's products. Two, I kind of never asked whether they were "meh," it was purely a statement.

I do not mean to rant and rave about braggers, but lately I have been encountering a lot of bragging that has been getting on my last nerve. My attitude lately has been to appreciate what I have and not necessarily want more. (These braggers are not making me change my mind either.) It's just that twinges of jealousy still course through me sometimes when I hear a bragger go on and on about what they do have, don't want to pay, yada yada. AND I HATE THAT. Those twinges bother me SO much! I try to not roll my eyes. I try to stay polite. Danggit, but braggers bother me, and I am coming to a point where I need to say something or else my head is going to blow off from anger. (Sorry for that mental image.)

Okay. Rant over.

Tune: Busy Earnin' by Jungle
Busy Earnin' by Jungle on Grooveshark
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